Octopus insularis

Molecular data, ecological niche, and dispersal models reveal a Trans-Atlantic shallow-water octopus species

The tropical Octopus insularis is a shallow-water species widely distributed in the western Atlantic. Recent studies of niche models have identified suitable habitats for its settlement also on the east coast of the Atlantic.Considering the pelagic …

Exploring the effects of warming seas by using the optimal and pejus temperatures of the embryo of three Octopoda species in the Gulf of Mexico

Using data related to thermal optimal and pejus of the embryos of Octopus americanus from Brazil and O. insularis and O. maya from Mexico, this study aimed to project the potential distribution areas in the Gulf of Mexico and predict distribution …

Global climate changes over time shape the environmental niche distribution of Octopus insularis in the Atlantic Ocean

In the Atlantic Ocean, Octopus insularis (Cephalopoda; Octopodidae) Leite and Haimovici, 2008 inhabits warm and shallow habitats, where it is one of the main targets of cephalopod fisheries. Considering the current trend of increasing seawater …